Can You Die After 7 Years of Not Having Sex?

Published: January 25, 2017
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Probably a dumb question but is it possible to die after seven years of not having sex?
Signed: Can You Die After 7 Years of Not Having Sex?

Dear Can You Die After 7 Years of Not Having Sex?,

Not having sex for seven years will not cause a person to die. If someone were to die after seven years of not having sex, the cause of death would be something other than the abstinence.

What can affect our physical well-being is whether or not we have close, emotional attachments to others. Research has shown that people are less prone to illness and can even heal faster when they are in secure, loving relationships with others.

TeenHealthFX is not sure why you are asking this particular question, but if you have any additional questions or concerns please speak to your doctor, school nurse, or a parent/guardian.

If you don't have a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist or contact your local teen health center or Planned Parenthood. You can also contact your insurance company for a list of in-network providers.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
