Labia Minora is Inflamed and Itchy - Is It a Yeast Infection?

Published: August 23, 2017
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Hi, I just had a breast reduction and was taking antibiotics for it. I just finished my amount. The reason I mention that is because I woke up this morning with my vagina hurting. The labia minora are inflamed and it is itchy. And I have not had sex or even kissed anyone so I know it's not an STD. Do I have a yeast infection?
Signed: Labia Minora is Inflamed and Itchy - Is It a Yeast Infection?

Dear Labia Minora is Inflamed and Itchy - Is It a Yeast Infection?,

While TeenHealthFX cannot give a definitive diagnosis over the internet, we can say that it is possible that you have a yeast infection. One cause of yeast infections is antibiotic use because the antibiotics can alter the “good” bacteria and change the PH of the vagina.

TeenHealthFX recommends that you call the physician who prescribed your antibiotics and explain the situation. Your physician may want you to come in for an exam or he/she may simply make a treatment recommendation over the phone. But given that you just had this surgery and finished a course of antibiotics, it is best to check in with the prescribing doctor before self-diagnosing or starting any treatments on your own.  

Signed: TeenHealthFX
