Worried I'm Pregnant - Can I Find Out Without a Test or Doctor Visit?

Published: April 25, 2017
Dear TeenHealthFX,
I'm 14 and I think I'm pregnant but I don't know is there a way I can find out if I am with out taking a test or going to the doctor??
Signed: Worried I'm Pregnant - Can I Find Out Without a Test or Doctor Visit?

Dear Worried I'm Pregnant - Can I Find Out Without a Test or Doctor Visit?,

One of the most common first signs of pregnancy is a missed period. But girls and young women can have late periods or missed periods for a number of reasons, including stress, poor eating habits, and the use of certain medications. If you are sexually active and have missed a period, it is important to confirm whether or not you are pregnant by taking a pregnancy test and/or meeting with your doctor.

TeenHealthFX can appreciate that you must be feeling very scared to think you could be pregnant at 14. But it is very important for you to reach out for help with this so you can confirm whether or not you are pregnant and so that you can get the support and guidance you need in the event that you are. If you are pregnant, you will need to come forward with this at some point. However, sooner than later is definitely better so that you can learn about your options and make the decisions about your pregnancy that will work best for you.

If you are worried about talking to your parents/guardians about this, then TeenHealthFX recommends that you start by speaking to your school nurse or a medical health professional at a local Planned Parenthood health center.  A health care provider at a Planned Parenthood health center can confirm whether or not you are pregnant, discuss pregnancy options in the event you are, and discuss birth control methods for you for the future so that you can help to prevent any other unwanted pregnancies or pregnancy scares.

FX also suggests that you check out the links in our Resource of the Month: Planned Parenthood Resources on Safer Sex so that you can learn about sexual readiness, how pregnancy happens, pregnancy tests, emergency contraception, birth control, STDs and more. The more educated you are about these topics, the more likely you will make healthy decisions for yourself when it comes to your sexual health.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
