Can ChatGPT Answer My Health Questions?

Published: January 22, 2025
Dear TeenHealth FX,
can chatgpt answer my health questions? I am nervous to ask my doctor
Signed: Can ChatGPT Answer My Health Questions?

Dear Can ChatGPT Answer My Health Questions?,

Great question! For those who may not know, is an artificial intelligence (AI) website where you can ask questions, and it will respond with human-like and evidence-based answers. It can also provide explanations on various topics, assist with writing tasks, and engage in general conversation.

While ChatGPT can be a great resource, it should never replace medical advice from a doctor / medical professional. All health / medical related answers from ChatGPT will be generalized, so you will not have a personalized answer to your situation and any advice should be taken with caution. It is okay to do any prior research, but any questions related to your mental, physical, and emotional health should be mentioned to your doctor. 

TeenHealth FX understands why speaking to a doctor can be nerve-wracking, but doctors are not there to pass judgement. They want to help guide you in any way possible and if asking your question out loud does not work for you try writing it down on a piece of paper, calling your doctor on the phone and having a conversation that way, and/or ask your parents to step out the room for privacy.

Other amazing and informative websites on teen health are:

Signed: TeenHealth FX
