I Tested Negative For COVID-19. Could I Still Be Sick?
Yes, you can still be sick with something else, however, it is important to note it may be possible that you were tested too soon. Sometimes it can take a few days for it to show up positive on a test.
In terms of other illnesses, you are correct in the fact that the COVID-19 test does not test for other illnesses. The COVID-19 test only tests for the SARS-CoV-2 virus specifically. The CDC explains when someone gets a strep throat test, it is looking for the bacteria called group A Streptococcus and the flu test is looking for influenza viruses (there are many different kinds!). Each test looks for a specific type of virus or bacteria to determine which infection you may have.
It is important to follow up with the doctor that tested you for COVID-19 to make sure they recheck for you for COVID-19 and/or other illnesses if your symptoms do not improve within a few days. If your symptoms worsen, we strongly recommend reaching out to parent or trusted adult and be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. We hope you feel better!