What is the Difference Between COVID-19 and Allergies? Why Was I Sent Home?

Published: March 15, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
My school sent me home from sneezing and I have allergies. Isn't there a difference between allergies and corona? I know allergies are not contagious. What is the deal?
Signed: What is the Difference Between COVID-19 and Allergies? Why Was I Sent Home?

Dear What is the Difference Between COVID-19 and Allergies? Why Was I Sent Home?,

TeenHealthFX understands your frustration. Unfortunately, some of the symptoms for COVID-19 and allergies overlap and it can make it difficult to determine which one it is.

The CDC explains: 

Fever and Chiils Cough


or watery eyes 

Muscle and Body Aches

Shortness of Breath or

Diffuculty breathing

New loss taste or smell  Fatigue



Nausea or VomitingHeadache



DiarrheaSore Throat



 Congestion or Runny Nose  



Depending where you live there are guidelines set in place as when and why you cannot attend school. The CDC explains that there are certain protocols that get put in place to not only protect you as the student but other students and teachers as well. Since many of the symptoms are the same, we really don’t know what is causing your symptoms and is most likely the reason you got sent home.  

Some schools require a negative COVID-19 as well as symptoms to be controlled by medicine. These need to be done under the supervision of your doctor. It is possible that the school explained the protocols to your parent or guardian. The guidelines are constantly changing, and we are still learning a lot about COVID-19. We know it is not easy and schools are trying the best they can to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
