Time To Switch From My Pediatrician

Published: January 19, 2015
Dear TeenHealthFX,

So I'm a female in my early 20s I need to make a doctor’s appointment just for a physical but I'm nervous to do that. I get very nervous about going to the doctors and I don't like calling to make appointments either. I'm not even sure what doctor I'm going to make an appointment with because I guess it's time to switch from my pediatrician. How do you even find a new doctor to go to? I know this site is based out of the Morristown hospital and I actually live in that area. Are there resources to find doctors in the area without just doing a random Google search?? Do you have any suggestions about how to not be so nervous to just call a doctor’s office??


Dear Time To Switch From My Pediatrician,

A good place to start would be with your Pediatrician. Your Pediatrician most likely has known you for a while and could suggest an OBG/YN, Internist or Family Practitioner who might be a good match for you. 

Another other option would be to go to the Morristown Medical Center homepage. On the top right you will find a feature “Find A Doctor.” Click on this feature and it will it will bring you to a page where you can pick a doctor’s specialty, location and accepted insurance plans. You will then be brought to a page of doctors who have the criteria you searched for. From there you can look at each doctor’s background and try and find a doctor who you think would be a good fit for you. 

In many cases you can make an appointment with the doctor on the internet. In most cases they will ask for the reason for the appointment, as well as some other questions which you can type in. Some practices will ask you to down load the paper work that you usually fill out at the first appointment in order to make it convenient for you. 

If you pick a doctor that does not accept online appointments, navigate the site of one of the practices that do. Make note of the questions they ask and form responses to them. By doing this when you call a doctor’s office for an appointment, you will have all the pertinent information at hand. Being prepared will make the experience much less anxiety provoking and keep you from having to search for information.





Signed: TeenHealthFX
