Due To Coronavirus (COVID-19), I Have Not Been To The Dentist In Over Year. Help!

Published: July 17, 2020
Dear TeenHealthFX,
I have not been to the dentist in over a year because of coronavirus and now have many giant cavities. These are often painful. Since my teeth are in such poor condition, I'm afraid that toothpaste will get stuck in my cavities. Can that happen?
Signed: Due To Coronavirus (COVID-19), I Have Not Been To The Dentist In Over Year. Help!

Dear Due To Coronavirus (COVID-19), I Have Not Been To The Dentist In Over Year. Help! ,

TeenHealthFX is worried about your teeth since you state you have painful, giant cavities. We recommend you see a dentist as soon as possible.

We also understand how scary it can be to go back to the doctor’s office due to the current pandemic of COVID-19.  We want to assure you that doctor’s including dentists are using the best safety practices available to make sure each patient is safe and stays healthy.

Toothpaste will not get stuck to your teeth and is necessary to help keep your teeth clean and get rid of bacteria that continues to grow in your mouth. This bacteria and food stuck to your teeth are what causes cavities. Kidshealth.org explains that 84% of teens have some sort of tooth decay that can cause tooth loss and permanent damage if it goes untreated. In addition, 60% of teens also have gum disease called gingivitis which leads to bleeding, swollen gums when left untreated.

It is really important to make sure you go to the dentist at least two times a year to prevent cavities and possible gum issues and even more important to go when your teeth hurt, or you think you have a cavity. Please do not wait any longer. Feel better!


Signed: TeenHealthFX


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