TeenHealthFX reccommends that all sexually active teenagers get tested for STDs. FX understands that the thought of STD testing can be overwhelming. We’re here to help!  


The Basics: 

1. What is an STD?  

  • STD stands for sexually transmitted disease.  

  • STDs are infections that are passed from one person to another during vaginal, anal and oral sex. You can read about common STDs by checking out Planned Parenthood: STDs.  

2. Who Should Get Tested for STDs? 

3. Where Can I Get Tested? 

  • Your primary care physician can refer you to a local gynecologist, urologist or other medical professional who is able to screen for STD’s. If you don't have a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist or contact your local teen health center. You can also contact your insurance company for a list of in-network providers.  


During the Test: 

  1. What will the test be like? What should I expect? 

  • The process will begin with a conversation with your doctor. He/she will inquire about your sexual history. These questions may include number of sexual partners and any methods of birth control that you currently use.  

  • Next, he/she will ask if you have experienced any STD symptoms, such as genital irritation, itching, rash, and/or unusual discharge. 


  • Based on this conversation, your doctor will decide which testing method is best. Common procedures include

    - Blood sample (from either a blood draw or a finger prick) 

    - Urine sample 

    - Swab of the inside of the mouth

    - Swab from the genitals, such as the urethra in guys or the cervix in girls 

    - Swab of any discharge or sores 


After the Test: 

1. When will I receive my STD results? 

  • Some STD results are available immediately in the doctor’s office.  

  • Most commonly, the sample is sent to a lab and the results come a few days later.   

2. I Tested Positive for an STD. What Now? 

  • Don’t panic! Your doctor is there to help you throughout the treatment proccess. He/she will schedule a follow-up visit in order to discuss your options. Most STD’s are easy to treat, and curable with medication. 

  • Inform your sexual partner(s) that you have contracted an infection, so they are able to get tested and treatment, if necessary.  

  • Familiarize yourself with your birth control options so you can practice safe sex. Using condoms is the best way to reduce the likelihood of spreading and/or contracting sexually transmitted infections.  


TeenHealthFX encourages our viewers to check out our Resource of the Month: Planned Parenthood Resources on Safer Sex to learn about sexual readiness, how pregnancy happens, birth control, STDs, pregnancy tests, emergency contraception and more.