Make 2020 The Best You Yet!


Welcome to the year 2020. Not only is it a new year, but also a new decade! 


Here are 10 tips to help you be your best self: 

  1. Accept yourself – Be proud of who you are.

  2. Get enough sleep - Studies show teens need at least 8.5 hours of sleep each night.

  3. Eat a healthy and balanced diet.

  4. Exercise even if it is once a week or just going for a walk.

  5. Take a break from your phone and social.

  6. Practice positive self-talk – really! Say something nice about yourself.

  7. Try different relaxation techniques – counting to 10, meditation, journaling...

  8. Be thankful.

  9. Take it one day at a time!

  10. Enjoy each moment.