When Will My Voice Change?

Published: December 20, 2020
Dear TeenHealthFX,
I am 14 and my question is about puberty... I have hit puberty and I can tell because I have many signs like pubic hair growth, enlargement of testicles, armpit hair growth, but my voice still hasn’t dropped. When should I expect it to drop, is there a way to know when it’s about to drop?
Signed: When Will My Voice Change?

Dear When Will My Voice Change?,

You are right that you are in the beginning stages of puberty and unfortunately sometimes it can take a while. KidsHealth explains that some people go through puberty quickly and others take a longer time. It is hard to predict when exactly your voice will change, however based on the information you provided you will probably begin to notice a change fairly soon.

Remember, once your voice starts “cracking” that means your body is going through the changes to make the voice deeper. It can take a few months before the cracking stops. We also have a boy’s edition of understanding puberty on our Need to Know section that may also help. Click here to read the article. Hang in there!  

Signed: TeenHealthFX
