I Chat With Someone I Don't Know. Am I Being Stupid Or Is It Okay?

Published: December 27, 2020
Dear TeenHealthFX,
dear teenhealthFX, on reddit, someone texted me that they were looking for a friend. now, we chat on discord, and theyre pretty nice. but everyone is always saying like, 'be careful with strangers on the internet'. but theyre genuinely nice to me, and havent said anything that should make me feel wary. theyre nice and i often look foward to chatting with them. am i being really stupid or is it okay to have online friends?
Signed: I Chat With Someone I Don't Know. Am I Being Stupid Or Is It Okay?

Dear I Chat With Someone I Don't Know. Am I Being Stupid Or Is It Okay?,

We understand how confusing this can be and there is no definite right or wrong answer. As long as you are not giving this person specific, personal information, it is possible to be friends with someone on-line. However, it is important to keep in mind that depending how old you are and where you live some states have laws against communications/hanging out with a minor when the other person is an adult or has a significant age gap. This means that your friend could potentially get in trouble for talking to you.

In addition, we suggest that you do keep safety in mind when talking to this person and if you do decide to meet up them, ensure your parent/guardian is okay with it and you do not go alone. If this person encourages you to go alone or not to tell anyone that is a huge red flag that it is unsafe to do so.

Also, try to remember your friends are worried about your well-being and it is important to them that you are safe.  For more information on teen internet safety, check out our Resource of the Month.  

Signed: TeenHealthFX
