I Need Help. What Do I Do Now?

Published: February 15, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Please help me. I think there is something really wrong with me. I am very sad. too sad. I feel very frightened because i feel like it's getting worse its not going away. I cant talk about it not even to my family or anyone. My boyfriend is very concerned. I cant talk to him either. I am worried I will do something that will hurt all of them forever. Its breaking my heart. I NEED HELP. its only a matter of time please help me. PS dont ask me to call the hotline. I already did that and i killed myself anyway. I mean obviously it didnt work but What am i sposed to say? That I am still angry about my failed attempt? Cant even get that right. Do you get what Im saying? I need help! What do I do now?
Signed: I Need Help. What Do I Do Now?

Dear I Need Help. What Do I Do Now?,

TeenHealthFX is sorry to hear about what you are going through. It is important to remember that you are valued and important. Don’t give up on yourself and continue to try to get help. Just because one hotline does not work does not mean another option will not help. Sometimes finding a good therapist or the right support is like finding a pair of shoes – it may take a few tries.

There is more help out there than “the hotline” you may have tried. In addition, keep trying to reach out to a trusted adult, teacher, school counselor, or school nurse who can also help you get the help you may need. Below is a list of options available to you.

New  Jersey:

Atlantic Health System 24- hour crisis hotlines

Access Center for Atlantic Behavioral Health 888-247-1400. 

New Jersey Youth Help, 2nd Floor Call or Text: 888-222-2228 

New Jersey Hopeline 1-855-654-6735 or Text us 24/7 at njhopeline@ubhc.rutgers.edu  


Teen Crisis Text Line Text “CTL” to 741741 

Teen Line 310-855-4673 orText "TEEN" to 839863 

JED Text "start" to 741-741 or Call 1-800-273-8255

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

Safe Alternatives

Suicide Prevention Services 1-800-273-8255

To Write Love on Her Arms For those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.

For additional resources, please check out resource page. If you get to a point that you are seriously considering hurting yourself or others, you must seek help immediately. Call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

Signed: TeenHealthFX


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