My Grandfather Was Recently Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and I Have a Lump. Should I Be Worried?

Published: March 05, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Hi, I have a tender lump in my butt, and I know it's probably nothing to worry about, but my grandfather has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and I'm honestly pulling my hair out here. Male, 17.
Signed: My Grandfather Was Recently Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and I Have a Lump. Should I Be Worried?

Dear My Grandfather Was Recently Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and I Have a Lump. Should I Be Worried?,

TeenHealthFX is sorry to hear about your grandfather. We understand how hard it can be to cope with a cancer diagnosis in your family. Unfortunately, we cannot diagnose over the internet, but it does not sound like to two are related. The location of your pancreas would be approximately an inch or two above your belly button to under your left rib cage.

If your lump is causing you pain or general concern, we recommend reaching out to a parent or trusted adult and get checked out a doctor. They will be able to give you an exam and ease any concern you may have about it.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
