My Foreskin is Still Attached. Is This Normal?
Published: April 09, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Im 13 and my foreskin is attached to the tip of my penis so i cant pull it down and if i try it hurts a lot. I now some people that have been able to pull their foreskin down when they were 5 but i still cant.
Signed: My Foreskin is Still Attached. Is This Normal?
Dear My Foreskin is Still Attached. Is This Normal? ,
Unfortunately, TeenHealthFX cannot diagnose over the internet. Based on the information you provided it sounds like you may be uncircumcised. We recommend reaching out to a parent or trusted adult and talking to them about your concerns. We recently answered a similar question and it can be found here that we hope can help.
Signed: TeenHealthFX