I Have a Blood Blister. Should I Pop It or Leave It Alone?

Published: January 29, 2022
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Do I pinched my finger earlier. It didn’t pierce the skin but it did bleed a little underneath. It didn’t bleed for long but now I have a bit of blood built up under the skin. It this something I should pop or let dissipate on its own?
Signed: I Have a Blood Blister. Should I Pop It or Leave It Alone?

Dear I Have a Blood Blister. Should I Pop It or Leave It Alone?,

Blood blisters are pretty common and generally do not require any medical attention. Do NOT pop it. Popping the blood blister could lead to an infection. If you notice the blood blister starts to swell, be painful to touch, or has a discharge see a doctor immediately. 

Signed: TeenHealthFX
