When Should I Have Sex?

Published: June 24, 2024
Dear TeenHealth FX,
when should i have sex
Signed: When Should I Have Sex?

Dear When Should I Have Sex?,

TeenHealth FX understands that this decision is not easy, but it is a different answer for everyone. It is normal to start thinking about these things, especially during your teen years but TeenHealth FX wants to make sure that you consider a few things first.  

You should have sex when YOU feel ready to. What that can look like is: the person who you will have sex with is someone you can trust and know well; you are aware of the risks and are going to protect yourself from pregnancy and / or STDs. Protecting yourself from pregnancy means using a condom at every sexual encounter to prevent pregnancy and STDs. Remember, deciding to have sex is not a trend, race, or something to compare to your friends. It is an individual decision and feeling forced or pressured is not a reason to start having sex.

Having an honest and private conversation with the person you are considering engaging with is important. Some topics can be not having sex with other people, making sure that condoms will always be used, and that once you have begun being sexually active then you will get regular STD testings to stay safe.  

Lastly, TeenHealth FX suggests speaking to your doctor as well, they can speak to you about birth control options and explain the importance of condoms further.  

For more information, click the links below:

Signed: TeenHealth FX
