Are There Any Side Effects to Using Lube?

Published: July 19, 2024
Dear TeenHealth FX,
Hi there. I got told to use lube when masterbaiting but after a bit of research online there are a couple sources that say there is long term side effects. Is this true and what are they
Signed: Are There Any Side Effects to Using Lube?

Dear Are There Any Side Effects to Using Lube?,

TeenHealth FX is glad you asked this question to get clarification from all the mixed reviews on the internet! There are side effects to using lubricants because it is something new you may be using, and it is unsure how it can react on each person's skin!

For example, certain brands of lubricants can contain fragrances, dyes, or other chemicals that can cause irritation to the skin, redness, or swelling. So, it is important when looking into a brand that has no fragrance to lessen the chances of causing irritation. 

Second, some lubricants can cause yeast infections, specifically, oil-based lubricants. Yeast infections are fungal infections that live in tiny amounts on the skin but in certain environments or using certain products can cause it to grow rapidly. Symptoms of a yeast infection are itching, inflammation, irritation, and / or vaginal rash. 

Using lubricants is completely normal, TeenHealth FX wants to make sure you do your research before using one.  

Signed: TeenHealth FX
