I Think I Love My Best Guy Friend. Any Ideas How To Tell Him?

Published: February 01, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
hey TFX i think i might be in love with my guy best friend. i kinda wanna let him know i like him, but i'm afraid to tell him, altough sometimes, i do think he likes me as well. but i just dont want to take the risk of losing him. do you have any idea how i could, in a subtle way, let him know i like him? sincerely, some 14 yo girl
Signed: I Think I Love My Best Guy Friend. Any Ideas How To Tell Him?

Dear I Think I Love My Best Guy Friend. Any Ideas How To Tell Him?,

Knowing whether or not you are in love with your best friend is something many people ask about. We recently answered a similar question and you can view our response here.

If you are 100% sure you want to tell your friend that you like him, there are a few ways you could go about it:

                Try not to make it a big deal, this way if he does not feel the same, it won’t feel awkward.

                 (even though you may be hurt ☹ )

                Decide whether it is best to tell him in person or in a text.

                Pick the right time.

                Bring it up in a subtle way and ask who he likes or who he is interested in.

                Be honest with how you feel. Try not to overthink it even though it may be nerve-wracking!

We hope these this helps. Good luck! 

Signed: TeenHealthFX
