My Mom Always Checks My Phone. How Can I Get Her to Trust Me?
Published: April 10, 2020
Dear TeenhealthFX,
my mom always checks my phone and reads all my texts how can I get her to trust me
Signed: My Mom Always Checks My Phone. How Can I Get Her To Trust Me?
Dear My Mom Always Checks My Phone. How Can I Get Her To Trust Me?,
We understand how frustrating it can be to
feel like your parents do not trust you. We recommend having an open and honest
conversation with your mom to help her understand how you feel. It is always a
good idea to start off by asking her why she checks your texts and to see where
she is coming from. This way it starts it off as a mature conversation rather
than you are coming off as confronting your mom in a defensive way.
Depending on your age, it may be possible
that she feels worried about what your friends or people are sending you. Many
teens do not realize that things some things teens say to each other are hurtful,
or even bullying. In addition, due to
all the social apps teens use, it is possible your mom wants to make sure you
aren’t talking to strangers and giving out your personal information. When
using social apps and messaging people, it is always important to be safe and
not provide any information to anyone you do not know.
Signed: TeenhealthFX