Should I Date My Friend?

Published: September 16, 2024
Dear TeenHealth FX,
I think I like my friend but I?m scared if I say something they will only like me back out of pity. They have told me about how there has been people they dated only because they felt bad for them, and I don?t want that to be the case. We have a lot in common and have hugged and held hands but I just don?t know if they like me or just pity me.
Signed: Should I Date My Friend?

Dear Should I Date My Friend?,

TeenHealth FX knows how confusing those situations can be! It is important to remember that getting into a relationship and being in a relationship should be a good thing. That means feeling at peace and positive about your decision. If you are already feeling anxious, unsure, confused, etc. That could be a sign that it may not be the best decision for you, right now.  

However, much confusion can be cleared up with a conversation. Telling your friend everything that you wrote, especially the part about them only dating certain people out of pity is important. It can be the start of an honest conversation!  

TeenHealth FX wants to remind you to do everything within your comfort zone and only what will bring you peace. Dating / considering someone to date is not an easy decision, but it should be fun for you, too!

Signed: TeenHealth FX
