Tools To Quit Vaping
National Institute of Health’s smokefreeteen offers a variety of text message services providing "24/7 tips, advice, and encouragement to help you become and stay vape and tobacco free. These programs look just like a text conversation you’d have with a friend."
1. SmokefreeTXT: Tool used to quit smoking
2. QuitStart App : helps you create your own Quit Kit
3. DipfreeTXT: Tool used to quit smokeless tobacco
4. Get Ready To Quit : set yourself up for success in quitting
5. Practice Quit: Tool used for smokers "who want to quit but want to get comfortable with not smoking for short periods of time first. This will help you build skills and confidence to quit for good."
6. Daily Challenges: "Build skills for becoming smoke free without quitting." Text GO to 47848
7. LiveHelp: Chat online with a trained National Cancer Institute specialist. LiveHelp is also available in Spanish.
Smokefreeteen also provides the following educational resources for teenagers:
Quitlines are also available:
): Call this number to connect directly to your state's Quitline.
): Connect with a trained National Cancer Institute counselor who can provide helpful information for quitting smoking. Counselors are available Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-9:00PM, Eastern time. Services are provided in both English and Spanish.