Should Virgins Use Condoms

Published: June 17, 2019
Dear TeenHealthFX,
If I’m on the pill and my boyfriend and I are both virgins do we need to use a condom?
Signed: Should Virgins Use Condoms

Dear Should Virgins Use Condoms ,

The answer is yes. Condoms are an important part of safe sex practice. TeenHealth recommends that you use a condom every time you have sex to protect against sexually transmitted infections. Condoms alone are not a reliable source of protection against pregnancy and should be used in conjunction with another method of birth control. To learn more about condoms, click here. To learn how to properly use a condom, click here.

Even though you and your boyfriend are virgins, people define virginity in different ways. If either of you have engaged in sexual activities (e.g., anal, oral or vaginal) with someone infected with an STI, there is a possiblity that either of you may be infected. If unsure both of you should get tested. Remember, that no contraception is completely foolproof, and you could get pregnant on the pill.  It’s very important to take the pill the same time each day.  If you forget, read the package instructions or call your pharmacy to understand what you are to do when you forget to take a pill. Also, use a backup method when taking an antibiotic that might interfere with the pills effectiveness.

Signed: TeenHealthFX


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