I Have A Third Nipple
Thank you for reaching out and asking your question. First off, we want to mention that this condition is completely normal. According to Healthline, a third nipple, also known as a supernumerary nipple, is the presence of one or more extra nipples on the body. Approximately 200,000 Americans have this condition which is more common in men. Extra nipples can appear anywhere on your body, but the most common area is the “milk line”. This is the area on the front of your body that starts in your armpit and goes down through and past your nipples to your genital area.
TeenHealthFX recommends you talk to a parent, another trusted adult, or school counselor to discuss your concerns. Then, the next best thing to do would be to get it checked by your doctor. Once confirmed, the doctor will discuss whether it needs to be surgical removed.
If you need help finding a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist.