How Many Holes Does The Female Body Have Down There?

Published: December 17, 2019
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Is this normal? Ok so this is a pretty personal question and it might sound super dumb but I’ve never noticed it before now, so I was fingering myself and while my fingers were inside, I felt a little tiny hole inside my I couldn’t put my finger inside it but like the tip of my little finger could maybe fit? I’ve never noticed it before and Idk if it’s normal so please help a girl out here haha.
Signed: How Many Holes Does The Female Body Have Down There?

Dear How Many Holes Does The Female Body Have Down There? ,

TeenHealthFX understands how confusing this can be! It is 100% normal! Most people do not realize this, but girls urinate out of a separate location than the vaginal opening. Girls Health has an excellent break down of the female anatomy. This extra "hole" is called the urethra and is in front of the vagina. Its sole purpose is to eliminate urine from the body and is connected directly to the bladder.

We recommend that you do not try to insert anything into the urethra has it can lead to permanent damage as well as increase your risk for infection. The urethra does not expand like the vagina does. The vagina is where menstrual blood leaves your body as well as where babies come out of when they are born. 

As a result, the female body has two holes within the vulva: the urethra and the vagina and a third hole is the anus where waste is eliminated through bowel movements. We hope this helps answer your question!  

Signed: TeenHealthFX
