No Period for Over a Month Now

Published: June 13, 2018
Dear TeenHealthFX,
I haven't gotten my period over a month now. I got a pregnancy test done after two weeks of missing my period and the test was negative. So I took the pills my gynaecologist had suggested me to take after I was diagnosed with borderline PCOS two years ago to take whenever I miss my period. It's been five days after taking those pills and I haven't showed any signs of getting my period. All I have done other than having protected sex was to take an emergency pill two months back after which I also got my period for that month. Can that pill be causing this period inconvenience now or is it the PCOD acting up again.
Signed: No Period For Over a Month Now

Dear No Period For Over a Month Now,

According to Planned Parenthood, women who use emergency contraception such as Plan B, may have irregular periods afterwards due to increased hormones in the body and/or due to hormonal imbalance which can cause a delay in menstruation from a few days up to two-three months.  It can also cause the flow of your period to be either lighter or heavier than normal. As you know PCOS can also cause you to have irregular periods.  

There seem to be multiple underlying reasons that your period could be irregular including PCOS, taking emergency contraception, and taking an unknown pill given by your Gynecologist. As you did not mention how old you are, whether you were having regular periods prior to this event, or whether you have ever had periods of irregular periods so it's hard to comment directly on what exactly is going on.  It is best if you make an appointment to see your gynecologist, primary medical physician or an adolescent medicine specialist. If you don't have a primary care physician and you live in Northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist or contact your local teen health center or Planned Parenthood

Signed: TeenHealthFX
