Is It Normal for My Period to Be 11 Days Early?

Published: March 06, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Is it normal for your period to be 11 days early? Usually my period is very regular.
Signed: Is It Normal for My Period to Be 11 Days Early?

Dear Is It Normal for My Period to Be 11 Days Early?,

Even though your period is usually regular, there are things that can throw it off. Planned Parenthood explains that starting or stopping a hormonal birth control, being sick, certain medicines, stress, poor diet, and even sudden weight loss or gain could have an impact on the timing of your period. Sometimes these changes could result in your period being late, but it can also cause your period to come early too and may even cause some spotting in-between periods.

For more general information on the menstrual cycle, check out our Understanding Puberty: Girl’s Edition page.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
