Will My Foreskin Unattach or Will It Stay There?

Published: February 22, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
I'm 12 and I can't pull my foreskin down at all I saw that it's attached to the head and I don't know when it will unattach or will it stay there
Signed: Will My Foreskin Unattach or Will It Stay There?

Dear Will My Foreskin Unattach or Will It Stay There?,

TeenHealthFX cannot diagnose over the internet, however, the foreskin only detaches when it is circumcised. If you are not circumcised, the foreskin will stay there. Circumcision as explained by the Mayo Clinic is when the foreskin is surgically cut and pulled away from the tip of the penis. This is usually done shortly after birth, however, can be done later on in life.

If this is something that concerns you or is causing you discomfort, we strongly recommend reaching out a parent or guardian and being seen by a doctor.  

Signed: TeenHealthFX
