My Penis Used to be Straight and Now It Has a Slight Bend. What Should I Do?

Published: November 11, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
My penis used to be straight and now it going to the side. I think it might of hurt it over a year ago what should I do
Signed: My Penis Used to be Straight and Now It Has a Slight Bend. What Should I Do?

Dear My Penis Used to be Straight and Now It Has a Slight Bend. What Should I Do?,

Unfortuantely, TeenHealthFX cannot diagnose over the internet. However, Planned Parenthood explains that it is normal for a penis to have a slight bend to the right or left. Each person is different and generally is not a cuase for concern. If you find yourself in pain, uncomfortable, or it gets worse over time, we suggest being seen by a doctor. The doctor will be able to let you know if there is something to be concerned about as well treatment, if necessary. 

If you need help finding a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist. 

Signed: TeenHealthFX
