Will I Get Pregnant From This?

Published: May 29, 2018
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Hi! I'm a virgin, and today I made my boyfriend cum. I swallowed it, and after a few minutes he fingered me (he had little to no dried cum on hands), after he fingered me, he put his fingers in my mouth (i swallowed cum), then a few minutes later he fingered me again. Will i get pregnant from this? Please help me!
Signed: Will I Get Pregnant From This?

Dear Will I Get Pregnant From This?,

In order for pregnancy to occur, sperm needs to come in contact with the vagina. This most often happens when people engage in unprotected vaginal sex. It is extremely unlikely that pregnancy would occur from what you described above.

TeenHealthFX thinks that right now what would helpful for you to focus on is educating yourself about various sexual health topics, including how pregnancy occurs, sexual readiness and safer sex. You can speak to your doctor about these topics so that you can have all the information you need to make healthy decisions for yourself going forward. You and your boyfriend can also check out the links in our Resource of the Month: Planned Parenthood Resources on Safer Sex so that you can learn about sexual readiness, how pregnancy happens, pregnancy tests, emergency contraception, birth control, STDs and more. The more educated you are about these topics, the more likely you will make healthy decisions for yourself when it comes to your sexual health.

If you don't have a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist or contact your local teen health center or Planned Parenthood. A Planned Parenthood health center is a good option if you have concerns about cost or confidentiality issues. You can also contact your insurance company for a list of in-network providers.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
