Can I Get Chlamydia Again?

Published: October 21, 2019
Dear TeenHealthFX,
if you masturbate a few days after being treated for chlamydia, and something gets in your mouth from your genitals, could you give yourself chlamydia again?
Signed: Can I Get Chlamydia Again?

Dear Can I Get Chlamydia Again? ,

TeenHealthFX is glad that you received treatment. If you were prescribed an antibiotic for a positive Chlamydia infection it takes approximately one week (7 full days) to become effective. Even if your symptoms go away, it is still very important to finish all your medicine. As a result, it is possible that you could have re-infected yourself with chlamydia. 

Since Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection, it can still be spread from person to person until the antibiotics kick in. We recommend following up with a doctor to get rechecked and to refrain from all sexual activity until you have completed your antibiotics.  Then, it is important to get retested for Chlamydia to ensure you receive a negative test result. If you need more information on Chlamydia, visit our recently answered question: Chlamydia Help.   

If you need help finding a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
