Is It Too Soon To Get Tested For STDs?

Published: March 16, 2020
Dear TeenHealthFX,
How soon after having sex with a new partner should I get tested? Is it ever too soon?
Signed: Is It Too Soon To Get Tested For STDs?

Dear Is It Too Soon To Get Tested For STDs? ,

TeenHealthFX is glad you are taking an interest on when you should get tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.  First, we would like to stress how important it is to have a conversation with your new partner before engaging in any sexual activity. In order to prevent transmitting a sexually transmitted disease, it is helpful to know if and when your new partner has been tested recently as well as the results.

There are many sexually transmitted diseases and each one has a different timeline of when it is possible to get tested.  Healthline has a chart with the specific STD and timeline on when you’d get the most accurate result.  

We would also like to mention the importance of practicing safe sex. TeenHealthFX encourages all teens to use condoms every time they engage in any type of sexual activity. Condoms are only 98% in preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted infections when used correctly and on every sexual encounter.  

If you need help finding a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist.


Signed: TeenHealthFX
