Does HPV Show Up On STI Tests?
TeenhealthFX is glad you asked this question. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States. Although there are more than 100 types of HPV there is no STI test. Both women and men can get HPV as it is spread by intimate sexual and skin-to-skin contact. An individual can pass it unknowingly to a partner because they have no signs or symptoms.
Although most infection go away on their own and cause no health problems, HPV can cause genital warts and certain types of cancer in both women and men. There is no routine test to diagnosis HPV in men, but women may find out they have HPV when they get an abnormal Pap test result which is a screening for cervical cancer. The only way to find out you have HPV is through this screening.
We would also like to mention the importance of practicing safe sex. TeenHealthFX encourages all teens to use condoms every time they engage in any type of sexual activity. Condoms are only 98% in preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted infections when used correctly and on every sexual encounter.
If you need help finding a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist.