Is There A Difference Between Frozen and Fresh Fruits & Vegetables?

Published: May 17, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Hey FX is there a difference between frozen and fresh fruit and vegetables? My mom thinks that frozen fruit is not good for you and I thought they were just as good.
Signed: Is There A Difference Between Frozen and Fresh Fruits & Vegetables?

Dear Is There A Difference Between Frozen and Fresh Fruits & Vegetables?,

You are correct! Many people believe that frozen food items are not good for you when that is not the case. Fruits and vegetables are almost the same regardless if they are fresh or frozen. In fact, some fruits and vegetables have even more health benefits than fresh ones. A recent study  compared the nutritional value of corn, carrots, broccoli, spinach, peas, green beans, strawberries, and blueberries. At the conclusion of their study, it determined that all nutrients tested were the same or higher in frozen items compared to fresh. The only nutrient that was slightly lower was beta-carotene which is found in carrots.  

At the end of the day, it does not really matter whether the fruits and vegetables that you eat are fresh or frozen. The most important thing is to include a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins in your diet to stay healthy. Here are some tips on maintaining a balanced diet. We hope this helps!

Signed: TeenHealthFX
