Do Teenagers Answer Questions Submitted to TeenHealthFX?

Published: August 31, 2016
Dear TeenHealthFX,

do teenagers actually some times answer questions on here??

Signed: Do Teenagers Answer Questions Submitted to TeenHealthFX?

Dear Do Teenagers Answer Questions Submitted to TeenHealthFX?,

This is a fantastic question because it is really important when searching for health information online to know who is providing that information. There is so much information on the internet, it can be hard to know what sources are reliable or not. So taking the time to check into the people or organizations behind the information is a very smart thing to do!

To answer your question, no, teenagers are not currently answering any of the questions submitted to TeenHealthFX. All questions are answered by health professionals working at Morristown Medical Center in Morristown, NJ. Health professionals contributing to answers include LCSWs, LPCs, RNs and MDs all employed by Morristown Medical Center.

There are 14 questions on the website that teenagers have contributed to in the past. Those questions are categorized under For Teens, By Teens. However, this section has remained static for some time. And all other questions (there are over 4,500 of them) on the website have been answered by Morristown Medical Center staff.

Teenagers did contribute to the making of our film short on dating violence, Crazy About You. Teens also contributed to the For Teens by Teens section of the website. But all questions (except the 14 mentioned above), Hot Topics, Resource of the Month, Twitter/FB posts, and supplemental materials for educators have been written by medical and/or mental health professionals.

For more information on who we are, click here.  

Signed: TeenHealthFX
