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Information on Getting Back Into Routine

Do you want to learn how to make adjusting into a new school year easier? Click here to find out more!

Resource of the Month

NAMI: Teen & Young Adult Helpline

Are you interested in free nationwide peer-support providing information, resource referrals, and support to teens and young adults? 

Click here for more information!

Careers In Healthcare

Did you know Atantic Health System has very diverse career options? Check out our traditional and non-traditional healthcare careers webinars and information pages. 

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Interesting in find out more about additional careers? Click here.

Lesson Plans & Instructional Tools for Educators

These TeenHealthFX Lesson Plans & Instructional Tools can be used to enhance current health curriculum through related questions, hot topics, various lesson plans, & resources on various topics.


Want to find out what's going on at Atlantic Health System? Check out information about volunteering and other programs.

TeenHealthFX.com is your online resource for any and all questions regarding your health, your relationships, your body and your sexuality. While this site is informative, it's not a substitute for talking to your doctor and your parents/guardians.

Take the TeenHealthFX Quiz

  • As of 2021, the new national helpline for mental health crisis in youth is 988.

    Please select an answer.
    As of 2021, the new national helpline for mental health crisis in youth is 988.
    The answer is true. You answered it correctly!incorrectly!

    True!  988 is the U.S. National Crisis Helpline to make it easy to remember and quick to dial if someone needs it! 

  • Washing your hands can prevent spreading or catching germs and colds.

    Please select an answer.
    Washing your hands can prevent spreading or catching germs and colds.
    The answer is true. You answered it correctly!incorrectly!

    True! Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds is key. Make sure to scrub between your fingers, under your fingernails, and all the surfaces on your hand. 

  • Teens only need 6 or 7 hours of sleep each night.

    Please select an answer.
    Teens only need 6 or 7 hours of sleep each night.
    The answer is false. You answered it correctly!incorrectly!

    False! In fact, according to the National Sleep Foundation, teens should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Skipping sleep can cause both short and long-term effects. It can cause moodiness, poor grades in school, and puts you at an increased risk of getting sick. A recent study showed that only 15% of teens are getting enough sleep.  

  • Social media does not affect the mental health, self-esteem, or body image of teens.

    Please select an answer.
    Social media does not affect the mental health, self-esteem, or body image of teens.
    The answer is false. You answered it correctly!incorrectly!

    False.  According to the ‘Dove Self-Esteem Project’ of 2023, 9 in 10 children and adolescents ages 10 to 17 are exposed to toxic beauty content on social media and 1 in 2 say that this has an impact on their mental health. 

TeenHealthFX is an award winning website for teens and young adults to ask anonymous questions and receive unbiased, medically backed information.