Have a Question?

TeenHealthFX.com reads every question submitted but can only respond to a limited number. Your question is anonymous meaning that we can not identify you. TeenHealthFX.com does not email answers to individuals - questions that are answered are only posted on the website. Refer to the "10 Most Recently Added Questions" section of the homepage.

TeenHealthFX.com does not respond to questions immediately. If you need emergency help, call your doctor or 911.

TeenHealthFX.com is a resource for health information and is not a crisis hotline. If you are in crisis or are in danger of hurting yourself, seek immediate help by calling 911, or The National Hopeline Network at 1-800-784-2433.


Worried You Might Be Pregnant?

TeenHealthFX.com often receives questions from readers who are looking for immediate information and answers because they are concerned about a potential unwanted pregnancy. FX appreciates how anxiety-provoking this can be, as well as the time-sensitive nature of this issue, so we would like to provide our readers with an option for immediate information on this topic. 

If you think you might be pregnant, please read "Could I be Pregnant?" before submitting a question below. If the information provided does not provide you with the answers you need, feel free to submit your question to TeenHealthFX.com.

