If I Consumed THC Gummies While Pregnant, Will The Baby Be Harmed?
TeenHealthFX.com is an online resource for teens that provides the most current information for their questions regarding health, relationships, body and sexuality. It does not replace medical care and advice from a doctor or healthcare provider.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strongly advises against the use of cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and marijuana in any form during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
THC is the chemical in marijuana that causes people to "feel high" and cause side effects. The side effects can be impaired vision, loss of coordination, and poor judgment. Medical News Today explains that when it comes to THC dosing, gummies are more powerful than smoking or even vaping.
You mention consuming 150 mg of THC which is an extremely high dose. We strongly recommend that you stop using THC. Also, you need to have an honest conversation with your OBGYN (the doctor who specializes in pregnancy). They need to know about your THC use so they can be extra cautious when monitoring you and the baby.
It is also important to note the use of THC may be illegal where you live. Click here to see the state laws about marijuana. If you live in northern New Jersey and need help finding a doctor, contact the Adolescent Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199.