How Do I Explain It's Me I Am Scared Of? Can You Help Me Be Happy Again?
Published: December 01, 2020
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Hi TennHealthFX, im a teen in australia, i am constantly thinking negitively, like noone believes in me. my boyfriend thinks i worry what others think too much and i dont value my own opinion enough, the thing is its my opinion that im scared of because i hate myself and everyone seems to be better than me. i dont know what to do, i used to be a happy kid, until i went through some stuff, i just want to be happy again, have you got any ideas to help me? and how do i explain to my boyfriend that its me im scared of?
Signed: How Do I Explain It's Me I Am Scared Of? Can You Help Me Be Happy Again?
Dear How Do I Explain It's Me I Am Scared Of? Can You Help Me Be Happy Again?,
TeenHealthFX is sorry to hear about what you are going through. Unfortunately, we cannot diagnose over the internet and since you mention having been through some stuff, we strongly recommend reaching out to a parent or other trusted adult to tell them what is going on. It may be helpful to see a mental health professional to help you get through it and to be happy again.
Click here for some helpful information and resources available in Australia that can help.
Signed: TeenHealthFX